Sunday, November 6, 2011


The Road to Hana was beautiful, curvy and sometimes one lane. Started out by the ocean.

Just in case you couldn't handle the curves. I took a pill just in case.......

Highest price we saw for gas...WOW

Rainbow tree. They were in clumps and just wonderful.

Here is where we are getting higher and still beautiful.

Just before going to meet the helicopter, Kelly laid out an elegant meal. Linen table cloth, linen napkins and real silverware - and delish food. Chicken, fish, two kinds of coleslaw, corn and bread. Then brownies and pineapple for dessert. Everything is green - of course, it was the rainy side of the island. Stay tuned tomorrow for the best part of the tour - HELICOPTER
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Jane F said...

That Rainbow tree is gorgeous. Never heard of them before. How's the virus?

Monte-Linda said...

We know nothing - just still getting everythng handed to us, but we got tickled when we realized that people in the casino are touching everything. Go figure--still don't know who has what.